Welcome to the home of Albany Touch Football…

…a fun & social yet competitive mixed game!
Game night is Wednesday night at the North Road Soccer Grounds.
The season is played from October through to March with a small break over Christmas & New Years.
Matches consist of two 20 minute halves with a 5 minute half time. The change over between games will be 10 minutes.
1st Game – Start 6:00pm
2nd Game -Start 7:00pm
3rd Game – Start 8.00pm
Teams can have up to 14 players with a maximum of 3 female and 3 male players on the pitch at any one time.
A team must have 6 registered players to qualify for fixtures.
Each team must nominate a Captain to liaise with the committee and be the spokesperson for their team. They must be readily contactable via email as they will be responsible for receiving and distributing any team related information.
Individual Fees
Senior players (18 and over) – $170
Junior players (12 – 17 years) – $120